So you get to learn about 7 weird or random facts about me:
1. My daughter's name (Isabella Dare) has a quirky story to it. Isabella came from Queen Isabel of Spain (who funded Christopher Columbus' voyage to the New Land) and Dare came from (Virginia Dare who was the first child born on the New Land *this was also my grandmother's name). And I am so NOT the history buff!!!
2. I drive a PT Cruiser. The weird thing about this one is, I have always hated PT Cruisers, they just look weird. But the price was right and I needed a new car (I just bought it a few weeks ago).
3. I have played the piano since I was 5 years old. Not many people know this fact about me.
4. I left my husband of 7 years but still love him dearly! If you read my blog you probably know that by now!
5. I am a certified Paralegal, not practicing. Actually, I'm in school for Accounting now. I think I'll be a student for life!
6. My hair is my outlet! ha ha It used to be down to my butt and blonde. I cut it to about 4 inches long; then about 1 inch long and Platinum blonde. Last year is was real short and black with firey red streaks in it. Now it is back to my natural color and cut into a stylish stacked bob - trying to grow the front out a few inches more - keeping the back short and stacked. But I struggle not to cut it and dye it some kind of crazy color. I love funky hair!
7. I have 4 tatoos. (1) back of my neck, butterfly (2) under wrist, cross (3) ankle, ladybug *Tina Bug* (4) calf, wings around Bella's name *my favorite*
Ok, so I don't know how well I did, so let me know! I didn't know what to put down...
So, now it's time to pass the weirdness/randomness along. I am tagging:
1. Farm Girl
2. Mom of 3 Crazy Kids
3. XO, Miss L2
4. Life of a Southern Belle
5. Spunkyteddygraham
6. Tropic of Mom
7. The Happy Homebody
Wow, you sound fun! I'm pretty sure I did this one already ... thanks for thinking of me.
Well since we just met...thats a whole lot of fun info! I love those tags because you get the dirt on your fellow bloggers! I guess I need to read back and find out about this hubby thing. Thanks so much for coming by on my sits day...I really appreciate the visit!
thanks for stopping by! i don't normally foster animals because i do get so attached...it would be wonderful if i could because i care so much about saving them...i just find it a little hard...
i have no tattoos, i can't believe you have four! :)
Hi Tina, I totally understand the hair thing. I've never really been into garish colours but I'm always changing my mind about whether I want it long or short. My hair has been going shorter, shorter, shorter each time I visit my hairdresser (short and funky with long wispy bits in front of my ears) but now I'm trying to grow it long again. It's just a bit more feminine. I actually think that I look better with short hair but I think that's because when it's been long it hasn't had any layers or anything. And I just dyed my hair on Friday from blonde to a DARK reddish-brown. Hubby loves it. (I'm a natural blonde but an icky grey-ash blonde.)
Hey there Tina Bug! Thanks for stoppin by my place. Nice ta meetcha!
Wow! You gave up all kinds of interesting info...consider my curiosity piqued :)
I have done one of these before...but there are many random quirky things about me...so I will try to get this done today!
Hope all is well! I just love the history behind Isabella's name...that is impressive!!
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