Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cape Fear Fair & Expo

So, being Isabella did not have school Monday, we decided to go to the county fair Sunday night. We had alot of fun! But omgosh.... $15.00 a person, even for her. Talk about breaking the bank, I can't imagine if I had to take more than just her and I... But that did include all the rides so... But I wasn't even sure if she would ride any so... But she absolutely loved them all! She even went on some bigger rides. A couple times the operators told me she wasn't big enough (she's a little thing) but since I was going too, they let her. She had a blast!

Halloween pics

So, I said I would post some pictures from Halloween. Here are a couple. I didn't dress up as Pink as I originally planned, long story, but I didn't dress up, period. But here's my University of North Carolina Cheerleader! The girl got so much candy! We had fun, this was the first year she really has enjoyed trick-or-treating.

And this is how I found her 5 minutes after I told her to brush her teeth.... in the bed, fast asleep, clothes and all. Guess the teeth didn't get brushed that night.

She likes me, She really likes me!

So, I received an award. Yes, me. The horrible blogger who can't seem to get it together and just do it.

"C" over at The Scattered Mind of a Tattooed Minivan Mom gave me this Kreativ Blogger Award. She's just great! She keeps me laughing every which way I turn. Go check her out and leave her lots and lots of comments and love! She is real and I've grown to love her ways! Like I said go check her out for yourself. If you don't believe me, just check out her thoughts on a Mister Linky vibrator. You know you can't resist checking her out now! Thank you "C" for being you and choosing me!

Kreativ Blogger Award

Now I have to list 6 things that make me happy and give this award out to 6 other bloggers. Since I'm in a very pissy mood tonight ~ Let's see what I can come up with...
1. for "C" because she makes me smile.
2. chocolate because it seems to make everything better, at least for the time being, then you
feel like crap for eating it and moan and groan about going to the gym.
3. my daughter, of course. She keeps me on my toes and my hair at wits end...
4. my health, because a year and a half ago I was a very sick chick!!! That's for another blog...
*Note to self* Get a move on this blogging stuff!
5. The fall weather
6. Good hair, because if nothing else is going my way this week, I know I have good hair.
~Passing To~
1. Spaghetti and Bagels because she is a spunky one!
2. Nana's Box because she's doing great things and bringing smiles to alot of people!
3. Spunky Teddy Graham because she simply trips a sista out!
4. Pineconeprim because she is so sweet and thoughtful!
5. Me & My Girls because she's down to earth and I like that!
6. Mom of 3 Crazy Kids because she's a teenager at heart and I sometimes think I am too!